Osteopathy for children in Sheffield
Helping your child to feel better
Osteopathy gently releases tension so that your child can be comfortable in their body and get on with enjoying the things that are important to them
As parents, what we want most for our children is for them to feel happy, safe and loved. If they’re experiencing discomfort, we just want them to feel better.

Osteopathy gently releases tension in the body, so that your child can feel more comfortable. It’s about treating the whole person rather than just the condition, so we’ll look for the underlying issues and identify exactly what’s causing the trouble.
“As a Dad, I understand how daunting it can feel when you don’t know where to turn for the best help for your child, and I’m passionate about being able to make a difference for families.”
Treatment of children is a specialist area of osteopathic practice. Chris has been treating babies and children for over twenty years and has an MSc in Paediatric Osteopathy from the world renowned Osteopathic Centre for Children. He continues to update his knowledge of paediatric practice as part of his ongoing professional development.
How we work together
Book an appointment
Share your experience and feel heard
Get started on your child’s customised treatment plan

Osteopathy can help to relieve the symptoms of a wide range of common childhood conditions.
Your first appointment starts with a ‘listening session’, so that we can really get to know about your child’s situation and what they’re dealing with. As well as hearing about the problem that you’ve come in with, we’ll want to know about other factors that help to build up the picture of their life so far, right from your pregnancy with them and their birth, as well as any illnesses or anything else which has been happening since then.
Once we have all of this information we’ll examine them, so we can check their body for tension or tension patterns, and we’ll talk you through anything that shows up.
Osteopaths are trained to screen for medical conditions and we’ll tell you if we think your child should see another health professional such as your doctor or health visitor.
If we believe that your child would benefit from osteopathic treatment, we’ll let you know what we think will make a difference.
We’ll use very gentle techniques including cranial osteopathy when treating your child – this is a very effective form of treatment which uses very subtle manipulative pressure to encourage the release of stresses throughout the body, including the head.
Our aim is to have them feeling better again as soon as possible, so that you can all get on with the things that matter to you most, and enjoy life as a family.
What our clients say
And I have absolutely no doubt that without that, she would not have had the life she’s having now because the surgeon said she will never get full mobility back. But she rock climbs, mountain bikes, dances, does gymnastics, and there’s just no difference to her from any of her friends."